Advise an EVENT > events

Please advise us of events with county or national interest that would be suitable for adding to our events & festivals web page through this form.

Event listing
Submission date * : Day: Month: Year: Time:
Event Name:
 Start date and duration: (use just numbers) Day: Month: Year: Duration (days):
 Venue location: Local Address:
 Contact telephone: Telephone:
 Event web site: URL:
 Your name: submitter's name:
 Your telephone: submitter's phone:
 Your e-mail address: submitter's e-mail:
* please provide all details except submission date.

Event organisers should use this form so that we can include accurate details of the years festivals and events. This is a free service to event holders but we would kindly ask if you could include a reciprocal link back to us so that your attendees can locate other local services and amenities. Thanks.